The company was set up in 1989, on the basis of the new act of business activity, the so called Wilczka Act. The initial name of the company was Zakład Remontowo Budowlany and the activity concerned building trade. In subsequent years, the coverage has been extended to trade in steel products, construction and assembly of steel structures, as well as repairs of machinery, production equipment and cranes and lifting equipment. In 1995 the company started using a sawmill and in 2001 the production of carbon and graphite products begun. The following years were about introducing equipment, logistics and warehousing services. In 2005 the company was introduced with the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 certified by TUV. In 2008, the company was renamed to Przedsiębiorstwo Majnusz. Today, the company continues to operate in all of these industries, providing comprehensive services in construction, renovation, investments, inventory, logistics, equipment and commercial. We are also active in the OZE (the renewable energy industry) by offering, among other things, complex construction of solar installations. We have the necessary equipment and machinery base. We operate on our own factory floor and commercial buildings. Nearly a quarter-century of activity has consolidated our position in the Racibórz market, and more.
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